Welcome back to the new-look Beech Lodge School! We have more pupils, more staff and another building!
I am very pleased to tell you that Blossom House, our new building at the BCA has been re-furbished and is looking wonderful! Having this new site allows us to expand our curriculum content for our older pupils and take advantage of some of the wonderful facilities available at BCA. Huge thanks must go to Mrs Cassidy, Pat Rice and all the staff both here and at BCA who have helped bring this to fruition.
- Blossom House
- Blossom House
Home Farm has also had a few internal modifications giving Beech Class much needed extra space for the younger pupils to learn and play.
I am delighted to welcome new pupils, Leon, Kyle and Henry who will be at Home Farm and Aiden and Emma who will be at Blossom House. Also two new members of staff Kate Moloney (aka Mr Moloney’s wife) who joins us as Higher Level Teaching Assistant and Alice Waterson who joins us as Graduate Teaching Assistant.
So good luck to everyone and here’s to a wonderful 2015/2016 Academic Year which I’m sure will bring lots of good news and surprises!