All the information is below. To download a PDF copy click here
Start of school day
8.30am – 9.00am
The school gates open at 8.00am but pupils must remain with parents/ transport until 8.30am, unless they have registered for Breakfast Club on Wednesday mornings. We have a soft start to the school day and children can arrive any time between the hours above, this gives them the opportunity to familiarise themselves with their surroundings and be ready for classroom learning.
Class teachers are available for brief messages.
If your child is late, they will need to come in through the main Reception entrance to be signed in.
End of school day
Claremont - 3:00pm
Goldsworthy, Kandinsky, Chagall and Deancroft - 3.20pm (depending on class arrangements)
Arrangements for pick up
Claremont children will be brought to the Claremont side entrance by their class teacher. Deancroft pupils will independently meet their parents/transport at 3.20pm.
A member of the leadership team is on duty each day.
Children who are not collected are taken to wait in the hall. A record is kept of late collection. All late children need to be signed out.
Taxi drivers may either wait in the car if they are collecting a Deancroft pupil or wait by the side entrance if collecting a Claremont pupil.
Please drive at walking pace in the car park and please only use the Disabled parking space if you have a Blue Badge.
The whole of our site including the Car Park is strictly a non-smoking site.
We advise parents to take holidays outside of term time. Holidays during term time will be authorised in exceptional circumstances. Any requests for absence need to be made in writing to the Headteacher. Medical and other appointments wherever possible should be made for outside of school hours. If your child has an appointment, please notify the school office in advance by providing a copy of their appointment letter for our records. If your child is unwell, please telephone the school office (or leave an answerphone message) to let us know before 9am. You may also send in a note so that we have a written record of your child’s absence. It is very important that your child attends school every day and all unauthorised or unexplained absences will be followed up as part of our safeguarding procedures.
We take healthy eating and good nutrition very seriously at Beech Lodge. We do not provide school lunches and parents/carers are encouraged to supply healthy options, no sweets or fizzy drinks in packed lunches.
Breakfast - milk, toast and water are available for children who for whatever reason have not had breakfast on arrival at school. The importance of having a good breakfast is reinforced and encouraged.
Mid-morning Snack – Please supply your child with fresh fruit or an alternative healthy snack. This is eaten within dining areas, in an atmosphere conducive to social eating.
Drinks - Children are encouraged to bring named bottles of unflavoured, still water to school and to drink regularly particularly after active play and in hot weather. All the children have access to fresh drinking water during the day
Packed Lunch - For lunchtime we ask parents to send a healthy packed lunch with their child each day as our school is working towards the National Healthy Schools Standard. A good meal should contain a balance of different types of food. The following are some recommended healthy packed lunch choices;
- All kinds of wholemeal bread, rolls, chapatis, pitta bread, wholemeal biscuits, bran biscuits, cooked brown rice and wholemeal pasta;
- At least two servings of vegetables, carrots, celery, cucumber, lettuce, cabbage, peppers, tomatoes and radishes; cooked lean meat such as ham, turkey, tinned fish, smoked fish, hard boiled eggs, cooked beans or pulses.
- If you are to bring in milk for your child, please bring skimmed or semi if possible.
- Cheese especially low-fat ones such as Edam or cottage cheese and yoghurt.
Every child will receive a birthday card from the school.
If your child is having a birthday party, please do not allow your child to bring invitations to distribute at school, please contact the relevant parents/carers direct. We are happy for you to bring cake to share with their whole class.
All visitors are required to sign the visitors’ book and collect a badge from the reception area. Please sign in and out of the school.
We actively encourage parents and carers to be involved in school life as much as possible.
- PTA. Our PTA is an important part of the school and we encourage you to sign up and join in the fundraising activities if possible. Please contact the school office for information on how to get involved.
- Parents Space. A dedicated parents’ room is located at the rear of the Meadow Building which can be freely used by all parents and carers as a place to relax, have a cuppa and have a chat. If it is locked the key is available from the School Office.
- Weekly Update is circulated to all families via email on Friday afternoons. Here you will find details of forthcoming events and trips, information and important announcements and reminders. If you require a printed copy, please let the school office know.
We encourage children not to bring money to school. If it is necessary for a child to have money with him/her, it should be handed to the class teacher at the beginning of the school day, preferably in a named purse or wallet.
We do not encourage pupils to bring in items from home, unless for a specific purpose eg an item linked to their classroom learning. However, we recognise that for a number of our pupils a transition object from home can bring great comfort. Please discuss this with your child’s class teacher.
Please ensure that if your child brings in a scooter, skateboard or bike that they also bring in a crash helmet to wear. We have a small stock of helmets in the school but please be aware your child will not be allowed to ride without one.
Some of our older children bring mobile phones to school. All phones should be handed in to Roots for Deancroft pupils and Tom for Claremont Pupils at the beginning of the school day. We advise against children bringing mobile phones to school. If you do wish your child to bring a phone to school, please put the request in writing. Phones must be handed in on arrival at school and collected at the end of the day.
The prime responsibility for a child's health lies with the parent/carer. It is important that we have full information about the medical conditions of any child, particularly those with long term needs. Medicines should be handed to the school office and an ‘administration of medicines’ form completed by the parent/carer stating the dosage and time to be taken. Non-prescribed medicines cannot be authorised (with the exception of Calpol) and medicines need to be in the original bottle with a dosage spoon provided. Inhalers should be clearly labelled and handed to the school where it will be stored in the child’s classroom. Children in Deancroft are responsible for carrying their own inhalers. It is the parent/carer’s responsibility to ensure all medicines are not past their ‘use by date’. Children should not bring any other medicine or cough sweets to school.
We do not have a school uniform but want all children to dress in an appropriate, clean and inoffensive manner. School sweatshirts are available to order via the school office.
As pupils grow up, they learn more and more about their self-image and about developing self-respect. Beyond that they learn how to show respect to others or to the school itself. One of the ways to show respect is to dress appropriately following the code outlined below. Whilst we enjoy celebrating individuality, we would caution against extremes in any form.
Beech Lodge School pupils are required to dress:
- A simple style of dress which does not have offensive images, messages or language.
- Practical clothes in which they feel comfortable. Given the amount of outdoor and hands on work our children engage in we would recommend a change of clothing is left at school.
- For sports activities children should wear a plain tracksuit, T shirt and trainers.
- Comfortable indoor shoes, wellies and sturdy walking shoes are essential.
- We do not want or need a label culture
- Clothing with large designer logos and slogans, unsuitable footwear and jewellery are not allowed.
- Clothing and hair should be clean, long hair should be tied back in some lessons and activities
- Try wherever possible not to cause offence or embarrassment to any other member of the community. Jeans and tops should not be too low and skirts and shorts should not be too short!
There are times when the school may ask pupils to dress more formally: when representing the school outside of the school setting. Please respect this request. For some trips and outdoor pursuits where children will be in public places, they must wear Beech Lodge branded sweatshirts for safety and identification purposes
Hairstyles are expected to be reasonable. Shaved heads or eyebrows, extreme hairstyles and bright hair dyes are not allowed. If in doubt, please contact the school.
All fees and charges are notified by invoice at the end of each term. Payment is due on or before the first day of the succeeding term. An administration charge is levied for late payment.
Parents must give a full term’s notice in writing to the Head before withdrawing a pupil from the School or from a chargeable extra item, otherwise a term’s fees will be payable in lieu of such notice.
The school takes its safeguarding duties very seriously. All school appointments follow strict safeguarding procedures and regular volunteers to school, including parent volunteers, are asked to complete a DBS check. As a school, we are in a position to identify concerns early and provide help for children, to prevent concerns from escalating. It is our duty to promote the welfare of children, protect them from harm and to take appropriate action, working with other services as needed.
September 2022