“Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower”
The Beech Lodge vegetable patch is lovingly managed by Mr and Mrs Brown and is a brilliant place to go for on-site Outdoor Learning lessons–...
FASD Awareness Month
As we hurtle towards the end of the month we thought it was important to share with you that September is FASD (Foetal Alcohol Spectrum...
Come and join our team!
Learning Support Assistant Wanted Full Time Start date: 30th October 2020 We are looking for a dynamic, compassionate and energetic Learning Support Assistant to join...
George wins Blue Cross poster award!
During lockdown our Claremont pupil George entered the Blue Cross Charity's Britain's Most Heroic Tails competition and has been selected as one of their top...
Welcoming our new SENCO
We are delighted to welcome Laura Solari, our new SENCO to the school. Before joining us, Laura was SEN Case Officer at Bracknell Forest Local...
Billy and Liam’s Fundraiser raises over £2000!
Hearty congratulations to our fantastic pupils Billy and Liam who raised over £2,000 by cycling 30km from Liam's home to school to raise funds for...