


Beech Lodge educates children aged 7-18 with Social & Emotional difficulties, many of whom are care-experienced, have developmental trauma and adverse childhood experiences.

  • Social and emotional difficulties
  • Specific learning difficulties including dyslexia, dyspraxia and dyscalculia
  • Developmental trauma and adverse childhood experiences
  • Sensory processing issues
  • Executive functioning difficulties
  • School phobia and anxiety


All children must have an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP) and all admissions come via your Local Education Authority.

At Beech Lodge an open and honest Family/School relationship is vital to ensure your child gets the most from their time at school and for all of us to feel confident that we are working towards the same realistic goals. We want you to be absolutely sure that we will be the right school for your child and so all admissions are based on informal interview, full assessment and meeting with the team.

Places are currently extremely limited.

For more information contact info@beechlodgeschool.co.uk


Please Note: due to the nature of our school day, size and staffing levels, we are unable to cater for children who require constant individual supervision or children with very aggressive, violent or sexualised behaviour.
