Beech Lodge on BBC1 The One Show – Wednesday 17th January

Beech Lodge School will appearing on the BBC The One Show programme at 7pm on Wednesday 17th January in a feature about adopted children in school.

In December last year, we were approached by the producers of the programme who wanted to make this film. It was prompted by TV presenter Carrie Grant who had written a blog about her and her adoptive son’s experiences in school which generated an unexpected avalanche of response which you can read  here

They heard about Beech Lodge and my own experiences that led me to set up the school, so at the end of last year spent the day filming and interviewing our pupils, parents and our staff. The short piece also includes interviews with representatives of charity Adoption UK and the Head of Colbourne Primary School in Birmingham who is also an adopter.

This is truly a wonderful opportunity for our little school and the work that we do to be recognised nationally. But most importantly if our small piece highlights to a much wider audience the needs of looked after and adopted children, whose adverse early life experiences, developmental trauma and attachment difficulties so severely impact their social, emotional and academic functioning then we will have played a small but vital part in helping to shift our society’s approach to these wonderful children and their families – and that can only be a good thing.

So please tune your tellyboxes in to BBC1 for Wednesday evening and here’s hoping the response is positive!

Many thanks!



Beech Lodge School